Monday, October 26, 2009

Game Overview


300 Movie
Our game theme and story was firstly inspired by “300” movie. This movie is about an epic battle between the Persian Empire Army led by Kind Xerex I and the allied forces of Greek Cities. The Greece side had about 7,000 warriors where the Persian Empire believed to have millions. King Leonidas and his army of 300 Sparta tried to stand the attack of Persian Emperor at Thermopylae which they believed was the only gate the Persians could get through. The movie is very good and we were inspired by the way Sparta brave warriors fought. So we decided to use them as the hero units of our game.

Lord of the ring (Return of the king)
I am sure that everybody will remember the final movie of LOTR series. In the movie, there is a part where Aragon go and meet with fallen worriers (an army of death who promised to serve the people when fighting with darkness but fail to serve and cursed to became ghosts). The idea of zombie army came from this part. We thought what if the Persian Army faced by Sparta in Battle of Thermopylae was not built with human warriors but summoned dead zombies instead. And we realized that could be a cool IP to implement in our own game. Of course our zombies are not green and see through as we model it ourselves to get a new type of zombie.

Tower Defense Games
The basic game play idea came from frozen throne campaign maps. Tower Defense games. The concept is, there will be list of enemies that crawl up using certain track to the destination area. The user has to stop the enemies by using towers that fire up certain spells and attacks. So we change the idea a bit. Unlike the real-time tower defense games, we’ll make a turn-based tower defense game which we believe is easier to implement. We let the player forces to freely move around and battle with AI enemies.

Background Story

The game will be set in 480 BC, Thermopylae. The era during the Persian Empire was trying to conquer all parts of Greece and Sparta. Only a small allied force of roughly 7000 men marched to block the pass. As the allied force looked upon the Persian host, they realized that the Persians used black arts to summon undead to boost its army strength. It was a host of Persians Zombies!

A tile based tactics strategy game about Spartans and Persian Zombie Army (PZA). The basic objective is to prevent the PZA from killing all your troops or pushing through your lines.

Using limited set of resources, the player will have to survive seven days of PZA attack. And also the player must make sure that they slay all the enemies and prevent them from passing through the battle field and going into your side.

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